Celtic Cross Tattoo is a revered symbol of the Celtic people whose
origins lay in the British Isles. Since around 400 BC, the Celts have
been using the Celtic crosses tattoo to intimidate their enemies. Fierce
warriors, and brilliant artisans, the Celts gave many mighty armies
their first taste of defeat. The brilliant intricate patterns of the
this tattoo have many meanings, and symbolize the combining of Pagan and
Christian beliefs in one item
the Celts did not leave an extensive written history, they left an oral
one that moved down through the ages, and the written histories of
those they fought bear witness to their tattoos. It is thought that
Celtic cross tattooing began around the same time they started their
metal and stone work.
thousands of years people have gazed in awe at the complex network of
Celtic Knots which make up the this cross tats, and have replicated them
when ever possible. With spirals, and intricate twirls that entwine
around the Celtic crosses tats, the Celtic Knot defies explanation. The
artwork on a Celtic cross tattoo is based on the Druidic explanation
that there is no end to life, so the Celtic knots have no beginning and
no end.

a Celtic tattoo is similar to the traditional Latin cross of the
Christian faith, the differences set it apart. The Celtic cross is made
up of short cross beams, which are equal in length and form four equal
points of distance. Each point represents a natural element, earth,
wind, fire, and water. With a circle placed at the crossing point, which
represents sacred life-ongoing-eternal. This elegant and simple belief
is a symbol of the life and death in all of nature as being an eternal
movement/ The Celtic Knot symbolizes a joining of the spiritual and
physical worlds

Celtic Knot work found on this kinds of tattoos has no scientific,
literal translation. Its meanings lay within the spiritual beliefs of
the designer, and the recipient. Celtic knots are interlaced with our
physical bodies, and our spiritual beliefs that life is forever entwined
with nature. They offer beauty, and complex designs that we can study
every day, and still find something new to gaze upon. When other
symbols are added to the Celtic cross tattoo, the meanings become even
more sacred, and powerful to the person who has them on their skin.
cross tattoos have a closer similarity with tribal tattoos than with
the Christian cross, as far as symbolism and meanings go. Like the bold
darkness, and geometric patterns of a tribal tattoo, the Celtic tattoo
communicates a feeling, rather than a representation of an object that
is physical.
Knot work Celtic cross tattoos require the artist to
be an expert in Celtic designs, in order to perform the delicate work
of ensuring the lines are correct in shading, spacing, and ensure the
delicate lines never touch so they do not bleed over.
done correctly, a Celtic cross tattoo is a thing of rare beauty and
design. It can hold power for those who believe in the symbols of the
knots, and the points, and the other traditional symbols, such as the
Dragon, and the Rowan Tree.